Our Packages
Listed on MLS for 6 Months

The same MLS used by all Realtors

Syndicated via MLS to Realtor.com, Redfin, Homes, Zillow, Trulia & hundreds more

Syndicated to all Brokerage sites, Consumer Daily Automatic emails & Buyer App alerts

Offer Buyers Agents commission or Sell with No commission

Unique Listing Page on OwnerEntry

Listing Page accessed via Home Search

Printable marketing flyers/ Downloadable brochures

Unlimited Photos

Unlimited listing edits/updates
Select This Package
Listed on MLS until Sold (Unlimited)

The same MLS used by all Realtors

Syndicated via MLS to Realtor.com, Redfin, Homes, Zillow, Trulia & hundreds more

Syndicated to all Brokerage sites, Consumer Daily Automatic emails & Buyer App alerts

Offer Buyers Agents commission or Sell with No commission

Unique customized property website

Featured Property with link to your property site

Printable marketing flyers/ Downloadable brochures

Unlimited Photos

Unlimited listing edits/updates

Unlimited Phone/email/text FSBO support/consultation

Weekly Realtor.com Seller Report
Select This Package
Listed on MLS until Sold (Unlimited)

All the same features of Gold PLUS:

Concierge service for scheduling showings

Prospect feedback collected and delivered to your inbox for all showings

Consultation/coaching on marketing, buyer engagement, communications & negotiations throughout process

Access to & assistance with all contracts, forms & disclosures

Professionally prepared marketing flyers designed to make your home stand out from the crowd

Promotional Property Flyer Email Blast sent in specific intervals to buyers that have identified your area/prop type in their search criteria (sourced across vast RE site platforms)

Complete contract review at all stages of transaction

Referral to Local Top Real Estate Attorneys

Feel free to call or email for further details on this unique service offering
Select This Package

Sell your home with OwnerEntry.com! Get massive exposure through a Flat Fee MLS Listing and keep more of your home equity! While a flat fee MLS listing is indeed the key to selling successfully, our reach goes far beyond the MLS. Below are just a few examples of other websites where your home will appear when you list with OwnerEntry.com

When you list through our flat fee MLS listing system your home will be automatically listed on hundreds of real estate web sites. OwnerEntry.com is your answer for maximum exposure, substantial savings and most importantly guaranteed success! Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions or comments: send an email.

Why are we the Premier Provider of Flat Fee MLS Listing services?

 Our Customer Service response time. When you make a request online or by phone to have changes, updates or modifications made to your flat fee MLS listing, that change is made same day. Usually within minutes of the request. We are amongst the most experienced MLS particpants in the profession today; we are personable, customer service oriented and most importantly we are committed to your success. We welcome calls from clients and prospective clients as well. You can call or email anytime with any questions. Our client benefits extend beyond the obvious value of a flat fee MLS listing, as each and every client has the ability to benefit from our many years of knowledge and experience in the business of real estate. Call us anytime directly at 617-345-9800

 Why FSBO Sellers need a Flat Fee MLS listing?

It's all about effective exposure. Virtually every successful real estate broker in the country knows that there are two critical factors to selling a property successfully. These two factors are quite simply; effective pricing and maximum exposure. These are without a doubt the two key areas you need to get right if your goal is to obtain the highest and best offer the market will bear in any marketplace. There is no greater way to effectively expose your property, as a for sale by owner, than with a flat fee MLS listing. Traditionally, the MLS was a central repository or database containing real estate for sale; the database was used by brokers to expose and/or advertise property predominately to one another so that they could work in a cooperative manner. With the advent of modern technology the power and the reach of The MLS goes far beyond this original sole function as the MLS now syndicates property listing data out to literally thousands of portals and online outlets that ready willing and able buyers are utilizing for their home search at every minute of every day. Technology has made the business of real estate a lot easier for brokers and consumers alike; including For Sale By Owners. When For Sale By Owners take advantage of one our powerful Flat Fee MLS listing packages; they are ensuring maximum exposure for their property. There is nothing available today that comes close to exposing property for sale quite like an MLS Listing; it is absolutely the smartest and most powerful step you can take to ensure not only that you successfully sell your property, but moreover that you receive the highest and best price that today's market will bear. 

What Seperates OwnerEntry.com from the Flat Fee MLS Listing Crowd?

As mentioned, we take pride in providing 5 Star customer service and we are certainly second to none in terms of the quality of services delivered. Beyond this we also believe that a Flat Fee MLS listing is by no means a commodity. We understand the importance of structure and content within your MLS listing to maximize its effectiveness. We want you to be as successful as possible in achieving your goal, so we always go the extra mile to help you construct the most marketable listing as possible. The goal of the listing is to turn eyeballs viewing a screen into feet walking though the front door and there are many things that can be done to increase this conversion ratio. These marketing pointers are many times very subtle in nature, but they can be highly effective towards the achievement of your ultimate goal. This is not theory; to the contrary this is 100% factual. We know this from many years of experience and trial and error. All OwnerEntry.com Flat Fee MLS Listing customers have the opportunity to benefit from these valuable expertise.

Why does OwnerEntry.com offer more for less?

We're believers in the old adage; you can be anything you want to be, you just can't be everything! This answer could fill up the rest of this page, but allow us to simply say this; we do not believe in operating two conflicting business models under the same roof.. running a full service brokerage (taking full service listings and making sales) while operating a Flat Fee MLS Listing business for FSBO's. It creates inherent conflicts of interest, generates more costs and causes less specialization. We never charge our customers anything other than the flat fee for the MLS Listing; we are not looking for buyers so the we can then charge you a commission, all buyers are sent directly to you. We also do not sub our customers out to other brokers. This creates confusion, nobody owns the customer and there two sometimes three different entities that are splitting up your MLS Listing Fee; this clearly creates higher consumers costs. We specialize in creating highly marketable Flat Fee MLS Listings; everything is done in house, never sent out to another broker; likewise we do not accept business from national outfits that market listing services. Unlike many competitors, we invest modestly in search engine ranking technology. We benefit to a much greater extent from local word of mouth and referrals, serving to further keep our overhead down. All of this leads to a better product at a much better price.

I already have my house listed on a FSBO site and it has generated some calls

Almost every day we talk to home sellers who think they may be in good shape because they put their house on a single site that allows owners to list. At the risk of sounding redundant, we must say again; nothing comes close to the exposing power of an MLS Listing. Remember, once listed on The MLS your property will automatically be displayed on most every reputable home search site that buyers utilize every day; places like Realtor.com, Homes, Homefinder, Movoto, oodle Marketplace Zillow, Propbot, Trulia, Yahoo, Homes.com the list goes on and on.. All the brokerage sites like Redfin, Remax, Coldwell Banker, KW, Weichert etc (note that many buyers use brokerage sites for searching, however they are not even working with an agent). The number of people that you reach via your Flat Fee MLS listing really is immeasurable. No matter what anyone tells you, there is no single For Sale By Owner site or real estate search site in existence today that can come close to providing your property with the level of exposure that an MLS Listing can...there truly is not even a close second. In fact, close to 90% of the homes in the US today are sold through the MLS. Remember, the name of the game is massive exposure.. this is the only element that you can control, which will allow you to flush the highest and best offer out of any real estate market.